Wyoming Services
Title X and Related Services
Our Title X clinics help anyone, but we prioritize people who live in or near poverty. Anyone who can cause a pregnancy or become pregnant can be a Title X client if they receive Title X services. That includes:
People who don’t have insurance or are underinsured.
People of all income levels.
People who don’t have government-issued identification.
Adolescents seeking reproductive health care, such as testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy testing, and information about birth control with or without parental consent.
For adolescents, income level is based on their income, not their parents' income. The adolescent may choose not to bill insurance and request confidential billing.
Clinics can bill for insurance and may offer payment options as well. Please get in touch with your local clinic for questions and information on the cost of services.
Services must be provided without regard to religion, race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, number of pregnancies, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or residence status.
We provide all of our services voluntarily with your choices guiding your care.
Want to learn more?
At our Title X family planning clinics, you can get help putting your own Reproductive Life Plan into action. We help you consider your health, educational, career, financial, and relationship goals while thinking about if, when, and how many children you'd like to have.
An annual exam is an essential yearly check-up to make sure that your body is in good health. If you have a vulva, breasts, or a uterus, this annual exam is an important part of taking care of your health, no matter what your gender identity is.
Birth Control, also known as contraception, helps to prevent you from becoming pregnant when you are not ready. It can help individuals seeking to prevent pregnancy, or to achieve pregnancy, exercise personal choice in the timing and spacing of children.
Wyoming clinics offer comprehensive sexual health risk assessments to determine the most appropriate plan of STD testing based on the individual client's risk factors. Our Wyoming clinics offer a multitude of testing options for sexually transmitted diseases.
Our clinics are prepared to educate you on your risks for reproductive cancers and are prepared to help you on your journey from testing to treatment.
Title X clinics can provide other services.
These services include, but are not limited to:
Pelvic and Pap Smear exams
Breast exams
Emergency contraception
Smoking cessation and counseling
Basic mental health services
Education and prevention of sexual coercion and abuse
Heath education and Counseling on a variety of topics (Contact your local clinic to see what is provided.)
Transgender Care, including hormone therapy (Contact your local clinic to check availability.)
Title X Clinics provide Spanish interpretation services. Please get in touch with your local clinic.
Las clínicas del título x brindan servicios de interpretación al español. Comuníquese con su clínica local.
Other language interpretation services are available.