Your Body, Your Life
Wyoming Title X clinics are here for you.
Since its inception in 1970, The Title X national family planning program has guaranteed confidentiality for all patients receiving its services - including adolescents. Our clinics are a safety net for adolescents looking for:
Access to birth control options
Pregnancy testing and counseling
Sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment
Reproductive life planning
Education about their bodies
Education on ways to recognize and avoid sexual coercion.
Our providers will help answer questions you have about confidentiality!
Exceptions to confidentiality are cases regarding State notification laws, policies and procedures of the Title X project and/or provider with respect to notification and reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, incest, intimate partner violence, and human trafficking.
Positive test results for certain sexually transmitted infections must be reported to the state health department.
Do I need a parent or guardian?
Adolescents seeking reproductive health care can visit our Title X clinics with or without parental consent. The adolescent may choose not to bill insurance and request confidential billing.
Teens, while we encourage you to talk with your parents, guardians, or other trusted adults about your decision to seek family planning services, it is not required.
Here are some great videos talking about the basics.
How to tell your parents
Birth Control
Wyoming does not have Planned Parenthood. Please get in touch with your local clinic!
Looking for more answers?
These resources are dedicated to giving you the information that you need.